Dwarf fescue grass vs. Tall fescue grass with video
Posted by George Bravos on
Dwarf fescue grass vs. Tall fescue grass
Two very popular fescue blends for California. Here in this video, we explain the difference between Bolero Plus and Delta Tall Fescue.
For more information on each grass, click our links below.
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- Tags: bolero plus, compare fescues, dwarf, Dwarf Fescue, Dwarf fescue grass vs. Tall fescue grass with video, dwarf fescue vs tall fescue, dwarf vs tall, dwarf vs tall fescue, dwarf vs tall fescue, fescue rating, fescue rating, fescue video, fescue video and pricing, fescue video and pricing, fescue vs hybrid fescue, slow vs fast grass, tall dwarf fescue, tall dwarf grass, thick fescue, thick fescue, thin fescue, thin fescue
That was a great vid man! Love watching it. I like this fescue grass. Both types of grass can withstand foot traffic.