Lippia Ground Cover

Posted by Razy Garcia-Sanchez on

Lippia Ground Cover

Sod and Seed, Inc. is thrilled to add Lippia ground cover to our inventory of lawn covers! Our Lippia ground cover plugs ship nationwide all year. Lippia ground cover is part of a genus of plants that includes various species commonly used as ground cover. The most well-known common Lippia species used as ground cover is Phyla Nodiflora, also known as "Frogfruit" or "Frog Fruit" and "Turkey Tangle" or "Texas Turkey Tangle." Another common name for Lippia ground cover is "Matgrass." Lippia ground cover is a low-growing, creeping perennial plant that is often used for its ability to form a dense mat of green foliage and provides a lawn that is green year-round, drought-tolerant, and never needs to be mowed. 

Drought-Tolerant Ground Cover

One of the main reasons Lippia ground cover has grown in popularity is its drought tolerance. California has been in a drought for several years now, and as climate change continues to show unprecedented warmer weather, many states are beginning to crack down on sod lawns and advising the use of alternative ground covers or alternative lawn covers.

Lippia requires considerably less water than traditional sod lawns. Due to being a native plant, Lippia ground cover has added drought tolerance. Keep in mind, you are likely to water your Lippia ground cover in varying amounts throughout the year. Fall and winter seasons will likely require less watering than spring and summer time. 

Mow-Free Lawn Alternative

If you are a current or previous sod lawn owner, perhaps one of te most exciting traits Lippia ground cover has to offer is that it never needs to be mowed. Yes, you read that correctly, you NEVER have to mow Lippia ground cover. While mowing is optional, for various reasons, it is not necessary. The two most common reasons some people mow their Lippia lawns is to avoid seasonal flowering and avoid attracting pollinators such as bees, and also for aesthetic reasons as mowing Lippia ground cover can alter its density and appearance. If you've been wanting to get rid of the lawn mower, you may have just come across your dream lawn. 

Native Plant

Lippia ground cover has als become increasingly popular as a ground cover and lawn alternative because planting provides two major benefits. First, planting the Native Lippia ground cover provides an opportunity to restore native plants. Similarly, planting Lippia ground cover helps ensure native plant conservation, protecting plants that are otherwise forgotten or genetically modified. 

Kurapia Ground Cover

Kurapia ground cover is a hybrid plant made with the native Lippia. Although it is not the native form of the Lippia, it provides similar benefits such as superb drought-tolerance, green color year-round, seasonal flowering, and never needing to be mowed. 


Kurapia Delivery

Currently, Sod and Seed, Inc. offers Kurapia ground cover in sod roll form only. One advantages of installing Kurapia sod rolls versus Kurapia plugs is that with Kurapia sod rolls you will have an instant, fully covered lawn. With Kurapia sod rolls, you will not have to wait for the "filling in" period that comes with Kurapia plugs. 

Kurapia Plugs

At this time, Sod and Seed, Inc. only delivers Kurapia sod rolls, we do not sell Kurapia plugs. Please call us at 1-800-381-8163 for your free quote and to ensure Kurapia ground cover will be the right choice for you!

Lippia Plugs for Sale 

Our Lippia ground cover plugs are for sale year-round. Most often, they are shipped in trays of 6 plugs, with the minimum order being 30 plugs (or 5 trays). You may notice we also have Frog Fruit, Turkey Tangle and Phyla Nodiflora listed in addition to Lippia Ground Cover. All products - Frog Fruit, Turkey Tangle, Phyla Nodiflora and Lippia Ground Cover - are the same, but we wanted to ensure we provided the Lippia in all of its common names. We have seasonal sales, so please ask our Sales Team about any current sale we may have when you reach out to us. 


Lippia Plug Delivery

Our Lippia ground cover plugs ship nationwide year-round. We offer our Lippia ground cover plugs in various quantities, with our lowest order amount being 30 Lippia plugs.

***PLEASE NOTE: Lippia plug delivery timelines vary seasonally. During the winter season, Lippia plug root growth slows down, so there is limited availability of Lippia plugs for delivery. Lippia plugs love sun exposure and heat, so during our summer seasons, our plugs root faster and ae more readily available. Standard shipping timelines are 2-3 weeks, but can be extended up to 5-7 weeks depending on weather conditions, and other unforeseeable factors such as unexpected weather conditions or delays through our third party mail carrier.***

Lippia Plug Installation

The most frequent question we get regarding Lippia plugs is how many plugs to buy or how to plant Lippia plugs. In terms of preparation, the process is exactly the same as when prepping an area for sod lawn installation. You will need to tear out whatever is currently on the area, whether it's an existing sod lawn, weeds, or old dirt.

Once you clean out the area, you will prepare the soil by applying fresh topsoil. Lastly, you will rake-level-and-roll to ensure the area is as flat as possible before planting the Lippia plugs. You can plant Lippia plugs anywhere between 6" - 24". 


Lippia Seed

Lippia seed is unavailable at this time. 

Starter Fertilizer for Lippia Ground Cover Plugs

We highly recommend the use of our Starter Fertilizer when installing Lippia ground cover plugs. Since the use of plugs requires a wait period during which the Lippia plugs are growing in, applying starter fertilizer to the soil prior to planting the plugs is highly recommended to give the plugs the best shot at filling in as quickly as possible. Our Sod and Seed Starter Fertilizer will help give the soil and Lippia plugs the optimal proportions of nutrients to give it the best chance at growing and rooting itself. 



Lippia Ground Cover Sod

Thank you for making it this far with us! We are happy to answer any questions you may have not addressed in this blog. Remember, before planting Lippia ground cover, it's essential to consider your local climate, soil composition, environmental factors and the conditions the Lippia ground cover will be in once planted. If you're interested in using Lippia as a ground cover in your landscaping project, lawn or garden, it's a good idea to consult with our sales team for guidance on its suitability for your area and any specific care recommendations. We pride ourselves in matching the sod that will best suit your conditions, so please feel free to give us a call with questions or concerns at 1-800-381-8163. We hope to hear from you soon!




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  • @Taylor S: The lead time for shipment is 3-4 weeks from time order is placed.

    Anonymous on
  • @Victor Baxter: Thanks, Victor. You can place your order online or contact us at 1-800-381-8163. We are available from 8 am to 5 pm.

    Anonymous on
  • How big are the plugs?

    Kris Bryant on
  • Great information. I will order when the raining has stopped.

    Victor Baxter on
  • How soon can I receive the plugs if I order today?

    Taylor S on

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