Gardening — grass pricing

The Best Drought Tolerant Sod for 2022

Posted by George Bravos on

The Best Drought Tolerant Sod for 2022
With changes in climate, California has increasing drought tolerant conditions and water conservation is more important than ever. At Sod and Seed, Inc. we work to ensure our sod blends are both drought tolerant and healthy year-round with sod choices that are Water Star and TWCA certified. Read on for more information on sod choices!

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Watering new sod

Posted by George Bravos on

Proper watering is essential for the success of a new sod lawn. Here are some tips for watering your new sod lawn: 1. Water frequently: New sod should be watered frequently to keep the soil moist and help the roots establish. Water the sod every day or every other day for the first two weeks, depending on the weather and soil conditions. 2. Water deeply: It is important to water deeply to encourage the roots of the sod to grow down into the soil. Aim to water the sod for at least 20-30 minutes at a time, or until the...

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Hybrid Bermuda Grass or Common Bermuda Grass

Posted by Razy Garcia-Sanchez on

Hybrid Bermuda Grass or Common Bermuda Grass
Join us at Sod and Seed, Inc. for a quick read on bermuda grass! We talk about standrad bermuda vs. hybrd bermuda, Tifway 419 bermuda grass seed, and excellent bermuda grass options for your lawn.

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What is Phyla Nodiflora

Posted by George Bravos on

What is Phyla Nodiflora

What is a Phyla Nodiflora lawn Phyla Nodiflora lawns are areas that are covered with the Phyla Nodiflora or common lippia plant. Common lippia or Phyla Nodiflora was a popular lawn alterantive in the past when grass seed was limited over 100 years ago. Phyla Nodiflora lawns are created from plugs and are best installed during the warm season to promote fast growth. Pictured above is a public walkway in Berkeley California   What is a Frog Fruit Lawn Frog fruit is a nickname for the plant Phyla Nodiflora, along with Texas frog fruit and turkey tangler. Due to Phyla...

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Sod and Seed, Inc. Delivers to All of CA!

Posted by George Bravos on

Sod and Seed, Inc. Delivers to All of CA!
Sod and Seed, Inc. expands sod delivery, grass seed delivery, and ground cover delivery to ALL of California! Check out which sod types are offered in your area, whether you are in Northern California, Southern California or somewhere in between. We deliver sod and grass seed every day except Sunday's.

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