Delta Tall 9010 Sod a Hybrid Tall Fescue with Kentucky Bluegrass

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Delta Tall 9010 Sod Ratings

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Ratings 1-10 (10 being best):

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Drought Tolerance: 9

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Disease Resistance: 8

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Wear Recovery: 8.5

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Shade Tolerance: 6

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Heat Tolerance: 9


Delta Tall 9010 Grass Seed

We are proud to offer you our high-quality, farm-grade seed for our Delta Tall 9010! You may purchase the same seed used to grow our sod at any time at the link below (also found under our SEED section from our HOME PAGE):


Delta Tall 9010 Sod Information

Delta Tall 9010 is a blend of 90% Tall Fescue and 10% Bluegrass on a highly organic peat soil base. Tall 9010 fescue is our #1 bestselling sod for many reasons such as drought and heat tolerance, resistance to foot traffic, excellent wear and tear recovery, and disease resistance. Our Delta Tall 9010 is best in full sun areas and adapts to mixed exposures to some shade. It has a bright green color and stays green year-round, withstanding fall and winter conditions. Our Delta Tall 9010 will keep your family area safe and beautiful, all while using less water and, ensuring you a happy, healthy lawn!

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Drought and Heat Tolerance

Our Delta Tall 9010 can withstand drought and heat because of its deep rooting system, which helps it seek, gather, absorb and retain water from deep within the soil. Its improved water retention keeps the grass moisturized when it needs to withstand harsh conditions such as drought and higher temperatures. 

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Tolerance to Heavy Foot Traffic

Hybrid Tall fescue is highly tolerant of heavy foot traffic because of its thick and dense nature. Heavy foot traffic resistance may include sports activities and children playing on the lawn to throwing a toy around with a dog. Tall fescue sod that is traffic tolerance does not leave the yard looking muddy or with patches after activities. 

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Recovery from Wear and Tear

Our Delta Tall 9010  is not only tolerant to heavy foot traffic but also has excellent wear and tear recovery. Similar to drought and heat, its deep rooting system helps keep it hydrated and healthy for quick and easy wear and tear recovery. This trait is both good and attractive because even when it wears out, the Delta Tall 9010 grows back and recovers from damage. 

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Disease Resistance

Our Delta Tall 9010 also offers high disease-resistant capabilities. It is rarely affected by disease or pests. This can be attributed to its dense nature and adaptability to different conditions.

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Additional Benefits

Like many ground covers, the Delta tall 9010 helps keep the inside of your home cleaner by catching and collecting dust that would normally blow over your lawn and into your home. Additionally, the Delta Tall 9010 works well for soil erosion control and will keep those muddy paws outside where they belong and not in the house! It has a high organic peat soil base, helping it absorb and retain water, and in turn, keeping the soil moisturized.

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Maintenance

The nature of our Delta Tall 9010 grass makes it very easy to maintain! Our Delta Tall 9010 Hybrid Tall Fescue can be maintained by mowing it 1-2 inches only because of its little thatch build-up, which would otherwise require constant mowing. Maintenance of the lawn should also include properly irrigating the grass. Irrigation can be done by using the sprinkling method and is best done early in the mornings. This keeps the grass well moisturized and free from diseases or pests. Our Delta Tall 9010 requires minimal irrigation because of its roots' capability to retain water and drought tolerance.

Delta Tall 9010 Sod Starter Fertilizer

    Our Sod and Seed Starter Fertilizer is always recommended when sodding/seeding a lawn. Our starter fertilizer has been tested in-house on both our Delta tall 9010 sod and on our Delta Tall 9010 seed. You can shop our Starter Fertilizer at the link below, or add it to your cart at check out.

    Tall fescue and bluegrass delivery

    We are proud to offer sod delivery all year for our Tall 90/10 fescue sod and for our 90/10 tall fescue grass seed mix. Please give us 2-3 days advance notice for all Hybrid Tall fescue sod deliveries. If you need to customize a tall fescue order or want to know if you can get it faster than what our sod delivery calander shows. Please call our sod farm dispatch to see earliest avaialabilty. 925-435-7874

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