Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod on Sandy Loam

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Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod on Sandy Loam Ratings

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod Mix on Sandy Loam Soil Ratings 1 - 10

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod on Sandy Loam Soil Drought Tolerance: 5

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod on Sandy Loam Soil Disease Resistance: 6

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod on Sandy Loam Soil Wear Recovery: 7

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod on Sandy Loam Soil Shade Tolerance: 9

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod on Sandy Loam Soil Heat Tolerance: 5

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod Mix on Sandy Loam Soil Description and Information

This mix of 80% Bluegrass and 20% Ryegrass Sod on Sandy Loam Soil is ideal for many reasons. In our experience, ryegrass Sod has the most authentic green color when properly maintained. So, that is one contribution Ryegrass makes to this mix. The ryegrass also increases the shade tolerance of this mix, which is very common for properties in many big California cities. This unique mix also gives the grass a dense, carpet-like appearance. Its Bluegrass Sod elements increase its heat and drought tolerance, ability to self-repair, and aid in wintering well. Also, its sandy loam soil gives it great water filtration traits. Additionally, it recovers well from wear and tear. This improved Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass Sod mixture offer a great ground cover that stays green year-round and has many benefits. 

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod Sandy Loam Soil

Though there are many Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod mixtures, this selection is unique for its sandy loam soil base. Sandy loam soil bases are considered a strong soul base for their generally well-balanced blend of clay, sand, and silty soils. Sandy loam soil bases create a good combination of water retention and drainage. 

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod Watering Directions

When your Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod Mix on Sandy Loam Soil is first installed, it will go through an establishment period in which its roots are establishing themselves into the area. During this time, it is important to keep the soil moist to ensure its roots don’t dry out. Water throughout the day to keep the soil moist to a 3-inch depth. After it has been established, watering may be done 3-4 days a week or twice during the cool season. Please note these are general watering instructions and there are other significant factors to consider such as irrigation system, environmental conditions the sod is in, and water pressure. 

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod Fertilization Directions

Fertilization is recommended in four to eight-week intervals, depending on your lawn’s color. Light green is an indication that your lawn needs fertilizer. Use an all-purpose fertilizer, and follow label directions. Applying fertilizer with Nitrogen in the heat of summer will increase the potential for disease. Instead, apply a fertilizer consisting primarily of Iron at four to eight-week intervals during the summer.

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod Mowing Instructions

Avoid mowing the lawn for the first few weeks while it is established. You can do the first mow after 2-3 weeks. Mow to a generally recommended mowing height of 1 1/4 to 2 inches. It is recommended that Blue Ryegrass be mowed at least once a week. Additionally, note that you should never mow more than ⅓ of the total length of the sod at any given point. 

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod Disease Resistance

Our Blue Ryegrass Sod Mix on Sandy Loam Soil is fairly resistant to common disease problems. The appearance of brown spots may be the result of a watering issue. If brown spots remain after adjusting your watering routine, a disease may be present. Consult your local garden center or certified landscaper as soon as possible.

Bluegrass Ryegrass Sod Note on Pesticides

You may begin the application of pesticides for insect control, if necessary, four weeks after your lawn has been established. Because pest and weed conditions vary from area to area, it is best to follow the recommendations of your local garden center or an Extension Specialist for your area.

Our Sod and Seed Starter Fertilizer is always recommended when sodding/seeding a blue rye sod or blue-rye grass seed lawn. You can shop our Starter Fertilizer at the link below, or add it to your cart at check out.

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