The Best Sod for San Diego
Posted by George Bravos on
The 5 Best Selling Sods for San Diego 2022
San Diego is the second-largest city in California and home to a diverse ecology of plant life, including grass, so today we will specifically cover the best-selling sods for San Diego. San Diego is a beautiful city with many attractions, the grass landscape being only one of them. Most popularly, this gem city in Southern California is known for attractions and landmarks such as the San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park, Sea World San Diego, San Diego Zoo Safari Park, USS Midway Museum, Cabrillo National monument, Mission Beach, and La Jolla Cove. San Diego has been pulling in more tourists and residents as it has gained popularity over the last few years, most commonly marked by the "Visit San Diego" campaign.
CLICK HERE to check out the Visit San Diego site
San Diego Climate
Though San Diego is considered to be part of the Moderate-Mediterranean climate, it can reach extreme temperatures and weather conditions compared to other Moderate-Mediterranean cities such as San Francisco and Oakland. The average annual temperatures in San Diego are generally between 50 degrees and 80 degrees, with summer highs reaching over 100 degrees on "heatwave days." So, the plant life in San Diego, including lawns, sees a wide range of climate through the year, including extreme heat. Sod and Seed, Inc. has compiled its top 5 best-selling sod types for San Diego to help property owners and professionals in the field pick the best sod lawn for San Diego. The sods shared below are our top 5 grass types in sales and are not ranked in any particular order, rather recommendations made to ensure the best turf type for conditions they can thrive in.

Sod samples laid out for display and stress testing at Sod and Seed, Inc. Storefront
Top 5 Best Sods for San Diego
Sod and Seed, Inc. has been working to update content to reflect the top 5 best types of grass purchased in San Diego based on our 2020 and 2021 sales. These sod grass blends were all tested in-house by Sod and Seed, Inc. and have maintained their health with proper care for the general San Diego climate and area. In addition to our list being tested and proven, it is also a reflection of the most popular customer choices in sod blends for San Diego (based on sales and demand). Keep in mind, based on your preferences and the conditions of your area within the San Diego, one of our grasses may suit your lawn conditions or needs best but not be first on this list.
Best Grasses for San Diego
At Sod and Seed, Inc., we work with many landscapers and professionals in the field, but we also work with customers who are seeking support with ensuring they select the best grass for their San Diego home. While many types of grass or sod work in the general San Diego area and environment, we usually find most selections will narrow down to these top five grass blends. Below are the top 5 selling sod types in San Diego.
1. Special Shade Blend Sod
Our Special Shade Blend sod is a great selection for customers needing grass for shady areas, or shady lawns. Due to the warmer climate, San Diego has landscapes that seek to provide shade in certain areas as these shady lawns can provide a cooler oasis on the hottest days. Our Special Shade Blend is most popular for three main reasons. The three main reasons for the popularity of Shade Blend in San Diego is that property owners are looking for a ground cover that can tolerate shade, be drought tolerant and tolerate foot traffic. San Diego is known for its vast opportunities for an active lifestyle and a grass lawn has not been the exception. Our Special Shade Blend can provide shade tolerance, drought tolerance, and excellent wear and tear recovery from damage like foot traffic for your San Diego lawn. Lastly, our Shade Blend will provide all of the above benefits while staying green year-round.
Grass Seed for Shady Mix
We also offer our farm-grade Shade Blend grass seed for re-seeding or seeding purposes. CLICK HERE for our Shade Blend grass seed.
2. Bolero Plus Sod
Our Bolero Plus sod works best for San Diego residents looking for a lower-maintenance grass that doesn't need to be mowed every week. In addition to providing a lower maintenance lawn cover option, the Bolero Plus Dwarf Fescue and Bluegrass sod also provides drought tolerance and wear and tear recovery. We recommend our Bolero sod for properties that will have moderate foot traffic, for example, small or medium-sized pets. Our Bolero Plus has a finer and slower-growing sod blade and is used in many public installations around San Diego for its high ratings and outstanding performance among other sod types.
Bolero Plus Dwarf Fescue Seed
We also offer our farm-grade Bolero Plus Grass Seed for re-seeding or seeding purposes. CLICK HERE for our Bolero Plus grass seed.
3. Kurapia Ground Cover
Kurapia grass or Kurapia ground cover has rapidly become increasingly popular in San Diego. Kurapia ground cover provides San Diego with the best qualities and loves the sunny San Diego weather! If you are wondering what Kurapia is, check out our blog post linked below titled "Everything You Need to Know About Kurapia Sod." Similarly, if you are wondering why Kurapia ground cover has become so popular, we have 5 words for you: never mow and save water. Kurapia ground cover is our most drought tolerant lawn cover yet and never has to be mowed, making it both lower maintenance and lower cost long-term. The cherry on top is that Kurapia blooms miniature white flowers twice per year, making it a highly aesthetic option as well.
4. Tall 90/10 Hybrid Tall Fescue Sod
Our Delta Tall 9010 Hybrid Tall Fescue sod is our best-seller, one big reason being that it is the most drought tolerant grass option that is green year-round. Our Tall 9010 loves the San Diego sun and heat and is a great host for kids' play and social events. With a deep rooting system, our Delta Hybrid Tall Fescue 9010 will make for a lawn that is drought tolerant, heat tolerant, disease resistant, recovers well from damage and wear and tear, is green all year, and is a great option for San Diego dog owners!
9010 Tall Fescue Grass Seed
We also offer our farm-grade Tall 9010 Grass Seed for re-seeding or seeding purposes. CLICK HERE for our Delta 9010 Hybrid Tall Fescue with Bluegrass grass seed.
5. Celebration Bermuda Grass
As previously mentioned, San Diego is known for its sunny conditions and potentially extreme hot temperatures, so for that, we recommend our Celebration Bermuda grass! Our Celebration Bermuda grass boasts some of the highest ratings among our entire selection. With above-average performance in drought tolerance, heat tolerance, wear and tear recovery, and disease resistance, it is obvious why so many San Diego lawns are covered with our Celebration Bermuda Grass. With uniquely high ratings, the Celebration Bermudagrass is a great selection for busy homes, full sun areas, and conditions with excessive heat and drought conditions (like some parts of San Diego!). To learn more about Celebration Bermudagrass, CLICK HERE.
We hope our new San Diego customers have found this blog helpful! We also hope it can help any of our existing San Diego customers and landscapers. Which San Diego sod do you think would best suit your lawn? If you have any questions, tips, comments, or recommendations, please drop them in our comments section below! We hope to hear from you soon!
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My lawn is the healthiest and thickest I’ve ever seen it. I am confident that the Deltablue Rye 50-50 will be my grass of choice for a long time here in San Diego. Thank you for offering such an excellent product.
We installed Hybrid Tall Fescue 6 months ago. The condition of our grass has never been better! We are so happy to recommend it to everyone we know here in Chula Vista.
I have been using Kurapia Sod for one year now here in San Diego. We were able to build this garden in one weekend, and it has been the best decision we made. The Kurapia sod is easy to work with, and it holds together when you lay it down.
I have a friend that interested in installing ryegrass sod. He lives in the Coronado. Do you think this grass will grow in their area?
I have a large lawn area that is not appealing in my neighborhood. I wanted to make it look nice. I also have a dog and two kids. Do you have any recommendations? I live in San Diego.