Gardening — dwarf fescue grass

Why Sod and Seed, Inc. is the Best for Sod in California

Posted by Razy Garcia-Sanchez on

Why Sod and Seed, Inc. is the Best for Sod in California
When it comes to a new lawn, you have many optins to choose from. Learn more about what Sod and Seed, Inc. has to offer and why we are the best choice for the best sod in California!

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The Best Sod for San Diego

Posted by George Bravos on

The Best Sod for San Diego
Although San Diego lawns reflect the city's diversity, they do have some things in common. We have narrowed our large selection down to our top 5 sod for San Diego. This list is based on two important factors, grasses that will best suit conditions in San Diego and our sales which reflect the needs of our customers. Read on to find out more about our grass types and the San Diego area.

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The Best Sod for Oakland

Posted by George Bravos on

The Best Sod for Oakland
Join us for a dive into the top 5 best sod types and grass seeds for Oakland, California. Our list is based on our top sales in Oakland, customer demands and stress testing of our turfs for adaptability in Oakland.

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How is Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue Sod Different from Regular Types of Grass?

Posted by George Bravos on

How is Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue Sod Different from Regular Types of Grass?
Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue has been a long-time favorite and best seller for us at Sod and Seed, Inc. Join us to learn why Enduro sod is special, unique, and the types of benefits you can expect from an Enduro sod lawn! Also learn about Enduro's performance ratings and pricing.

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