How is Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue Sod Different from Regular Types of Grass?

Posted by George Bravos on

How is Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue Sod Different from Regular Types of Grass?

Enduro tall fescue sod is different from typical fescue types of grass, find out what makes Enduro sod so different from other sod mixtures and how Enduro grass compares in terms of durability and water savings.

Enduro sod

Enduro Fescue vs Standard Fescue

Enduro tall fescue sod is a type of grass that is overall better than other types of sod and has several benefits. Enduro sod is particularly beneficial in terms of durability and water efficiency. Enduro is more durable than most other types of turf types and does not require watering as often as traditional grass. Enduro's water efficiency also means there is less risk for damage due to under and over-watering. 

Our Enduro sod is a top-quality product used to create a lush, green space in yards and gardens. Enduro's roots are deep and dense, which makes this Dwarf Fescue an excellent option for high traffic areas. The blades of the sod are thick and tight, giving it a beautiful green color year round.


Enduro Fescue Sod Ratings and Water Savings

Enduro Tall Fescue sod is qualified for the TWCA Certification for water savings. This hybrid dwarf tall fescue will give you superior drought tolerance and durability and will continue to thrive and stay green all year. Below is our rating system which covers all important factors for an Enduro sod lawn.

Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue Ratings 1 - 10 (10 being best)

Enduro Drought tolerance: 9

Enduro Winter color: 9

Enduro Heat tolerance: 9

Enduro Moderate wear repair: 8

Enduro Disease resistance: 8

Enduro Shade tolerance: 5

Enduro Grass Pricing and Reviews









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  • I need to refurbish my yard, and Enduro Dwarf would be the best option. The leaf texture and dark green color suit throughout year-round. Some of its other attributes make it more appealing for my yard.

    Esme North on
  • Great blog information. Keep on writing! I am a new follower.

    Brianna Coffey on
  • The grass chosen will be dependent on what soil is like in my place and what I want to achieve.

    Luke Trevino on
  • There are many different types of grasses. It is imperative to know the kind of grass to buy and how to plant it correctly. The following information you gave will help me in deciding which type of grass I should use for my lawn.

    Ellis Rawlings on
  • I wanted to plant this grass in my backyard, and it looks great. It is a very low-maintenance grass and requires little water. I can’t wait to see how it stands up to the heat in the summer!

    Elina Graham on

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