Gardening — A Complete Pro Guide to a Sod Lawn Installation

Can you lay sod on top of a dead lawn?

Posted by George Bravos on

Can you lay sod on top of a dead lawn?

The question from a huge amount of home owners is can I lay my sod on top of my old dead lawn.
The answer being no, and here is why.

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A Complete Pro Guide to a Sod Lawn Installation

Posted by George Bravos on

A Complete Pro Guide to a Sod Lawn Installation
In this blog, "Complete Pro Guide to a Sod Lawn Installation", we will cover the steps of preparing and installing your lawn. It includes lots of "pro-tips" that will save you time and money. With over 20 years of experience and formal training and education, this blog written by our ultimate pro is bound to help you with your lawn installation!

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