Gardening — best grass for Sacramento

How to Pick the Right Grass for Your Lawn in 7 Steps

Posted by George Bravos on

How to Pick the Right Grass for Your Lawn in 7 Steps

Lets talk about how to pick the right grass for your lawn in 7 steps! Taking on the task of establishing a new lawn or renovating an existing one can be more work than expected. Whether you'redoing the job yourself or hiring someone else, there are multiple steps involved. Here we'll focus on the task that kicks everything off, what grass should I pick?    Traditional Grass or Alternative Lawn Cover You may want to start by considering if you want traditional grass or an alternative lawn cover. Grass is the most popular and common ground cover. However, there are...

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Can I Seed My Grass Lawn in the Winter?

Posted by George Bravos on

Can I Seed My Grass Lawn in the Winter?
Lets talk about seeding your lawn and if winter is the best time to do so. We will also consider the benefits of seeding a lawn versus sodding as well as the factors that will dictate the success of your seeding project and ensure the best germination.

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How is Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue Sod Different from Regular Types of Grass?

Posted by George Bravos on

How is Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue Sod Different from Regular Types of Grass?
Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue has been a long-time favorite and best seller for us at Sod and Seed, Inc. Join us to learn why Enduro sod is special, unique, and the types of benefits you can expect from an Enduro sod lawn! Also learn about Enduro's performance ratings and pricing.

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Enduro Grass for the Bay Area Delivered for FREE

Posted by George Bravos on

Enduro Grass for the Bay Area Delivered for FREE
Learn why our Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue with Kentucky Bluegrass has become increasingly popular for the Bay Area and across all of California. If you're ready for your new lawn, enjoy FREE DELIVERY on all of our orders and the highest quality grass you can get!

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The Best Sod for Sacramento

Posted by George Bravos on

The Best Sod for Sacramento
Joins Sod and Seed, Inc. as we uncover the best sod for Sacramento and the greater Sacramento County area. We discuss the best sod options, grass seed types, and how to choose the best sod lawn for your property. We also provide the benefits for each sod recommended.

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