Gardening — SF sod
Sod near me- California sod farm pricing
Posted by George Bravos on

Where to find sod direct from the farm and pricing with direct to consumer purchase. Direct from our farms and available All year!
Links to information about our products as well as pricing with free delivery.
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A Complete Pro Guide to a Sod Lawn Installation
Posted by George Bravos on

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Installing Sod in San Francisco County
Posted by George Bravos on

Our best selling type of grass in San Francisco due to ll the small lawns and high buildings is special shade blend.shade blend sod is a hybrid fescue that was specifically manufactured to deal with shady environments.
Shade Blend
Our second place comes in at
Blue Rye
This soft textured grass is very popular for young families with children that enjoy playing outside without scratched and cut and nicks rougher grasses might provide. Not recommended for homes with large pets.
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